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Retail e-Banking Feedback
Mobile Phone
Q1: How you came to know about Retail e-Banking Facility of J&K Bank
Banks Website
Banks Branch
Marketing team of J&K Bank
Online Advertisement/Newspaper
Q2: On a scale of 1-5,how satisfied are you with e-Banking facility of J&K Bank
5- Very Satisfied
4- Satisfied
3- Neutral
2- Dissatisfied
1- Very Dissatisfied
Q3: Would you recommend e-Banking Facility to others
Highly Recommend
Do Not Recommend
Q4: On a scale of 1-5, How easy to use did you find e-Banking Facility of J&K Bank
5- Very Easy
4- Easy
3- Neutral
2- Not Easy
1- Very Difficult
Q5: On a scale of 1-5,How easily are your issues regarding e-Banking addressed
5-Very Fast
4- Fast
3- Neutral
2- Late
1- No Response
Q6: Any improvements/Suggestions, you want to incorporate in e-Banking of J&K Bank
Q7: How often do you need to visit a Branch
Once in a year
Few times in a year
Once in a month
Once in a week
Multiple times a week
Q8: What are the main activities which you perform at Branch
Select All
Fund Transfer
Cash Deposit/Cash Withdrawl
Term Deposits/Demand Drafts
Loan Facilities
Bill Payments-JK PDD/ JK PHE
Others,Please mention
If others